By Marcus Woolf
The Land Trust of North Alabama announced that in June it will officially open its 10th nature preserve. Situated on a plot of land covering 144 acres, the new Hickory Creek Nature Preserve lies in the Trailhead community near the intersection of Highway 72 and Moores Mill Road. The Land Trust was able to create the preserve thanks to a land donation from Concord Land Development.
The preserve includes the Legacy Loop, a moderate 1.75-mile trail that begins near the Trailhead Greenway spring house. From the trailhead, the path takes you up and down the mountainside, which includes wet-weather falls and rocky bluffs set in a beautiful forest. If you hike the path, be prepared to gain some elevation and cross rocky terrain.
The Land Trust plans to host a guided hike at the preserve on May 13, followed by a member-only guided hike on May 14.
Click below to download a map of Hickory Creek Nature Preserve.